Halliday Sutherland

"A born writer, especially a born story-teller. Dr. Sutherland, who is distinguished in medicine, is an amateur in the sense that he only writes when he has nothing better to do. But when he does, it could hardly be done better." G.K. Chesterton.

Tuberculosis in St Marylebone

The picture shows “The Open-Air Class in Regent’s Park, December, 1911.”

The photograph was printed in the annual report of the St Marylebone Dispensary for the Prevention of Consumption at 15 Allsop Place, London N.W. For Dr Halliday Sutherland’s account of the work of the dispensary, click here.

Stopes v Sutherland libel trial 1922-24

Centenary of the House of Lords judgment21 November 2024
6 months to go.

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