Halliday Sutherland

"A born writer, especially a born story-teller. Dr. Sutherland, who is distinguished in medicine, is an amateur in the sense that he only writes when he has nothing better to do. But when he does, it could hardly be done better." G.K. Chesterton.


When Dr Halliday Sutherland spoke out against eugenics, his views were contrary to those of the most influential people in Britain. Names such as: George Bernard Shaw, H.G. Wells,  John Maynard Keynes, Lloyd George, Karl Pearson, Sir James Barr and Marie Stopes.

When he expressed them in Birth Control: A Statement of Christian Doctrine Against the Neo-Malthusians, he received from the accomplished paleo-botanist, author of Married Love, and part-founder of Britain’s first birth control clinic: Dr. Marie Carmichael Stopes.

Soon after he received the writ, Sutherland ran out of money and decided that he would continue, defending himself in the High Court against Sir Leslie Scott, K.C. At the time he wrote the allegedly libelous words, he had recently married and was raising a young family. So why did he do it? The answer is given in this infographic:


If you would like to download a copy of the infographic, click this link: Speaking out against the servile state (opens in a new tab). Please feel free to display it, share it, etc. but do not alter it in any way.

The “Fact Check file” for the information given in this infographic can be accessed by clicking here (opens in a new tab).

“Negative” (and “positive”) eugenics explained here (opens in a new tab).

©Mark Sutherland 2018

Stopes v Sutherland libel trial 1922-24

Centenary of the House of Lords judgment21 November 2024
6 months to go.

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